Hernia surgery

A hernia is a very common disease affecting all age groups and, in many cases, causing a deterioration in the quality of life. We work with leading experts in the field of hernia surgery to develop hernia meshes, following the recommendations of hernia mesh societies.


PP MESH is a range of modern surgical meshes. They are made of polypropylene monofilament and are suitable for open and laparoscopic management of inguinal and ventral hernias. The design of hernia meshes allows for their effective treatment and rapid return of patients to normal life.

PP MESH standard
PP MESH light
PP MESH extra large pore
PP MESH large pore

What are we helping to cure?

A hernia is a herniated protrusion of one of the organs of the abdominal cavity into the subcutaneous tissue due to a weakened abdominal wall. The cause is usually, for example, heavy lifting, chronic coughing, constipation, or even obesity. A hole (called a hernia gate) is created in the weakened area, into which a part of the abdominal cavity subsequently protrudes. A hernia can also occur at the site of a post-operative scar. Hernia mesh is used to treat hernia surgically. If left untreated, a hernia can grow larger and cause serious health problems.

VUP Medical meshes help for the third year in Benin

Our company contributed to the success of the charity mission in Benin, Africa, by providing PP MESH hernia meshes for hernia surgeries to needy patients in the 3rd year of this event.   
Within the framework of the project “Doctors for Benin”, the Friends of Bénin Santé, with the help of partner organizations, organized a mission of Czech doctors at the Clinique les Archanges à Agblangandan in Benin, which took place from 15 February to 1 March 2019. During this period, two Czech surgeons and one anesthesiologist treated dozens of patients, including children. In total, the surgeons performed around 100 procedures (in most cases hernia operations) on patients aged from 18 months to 70 years.
We are happy to have been able to help improve the health of people in this developing area.